Sunday, December 07, 2008

Why To Read "Help Is On The Way" Volume One

Oh, the time it has been since I've posted here! This is not my lately more-used blog, Raving Techno Rant. This is for non-software, non-technical postings. This may even become a more usual thing! Imagine, the scandal.

Scott Meyer is endorsed by Scott Adams. Scott Adams is both smart and funny. Scott Meyer is both funny and probably smart. Therefor, you should read Help is on the Way. It is an excellent collection of strips from his Basic Instructions web comic. I found myself chortling often.

Read it. Laugh. Enjoy.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


So I'm blogging again. See me blog? Here I am blogging. Blog blog blog.

I've been really neglecting my code blog and ignored this one for much longer. How to change that has been something that hits my mind often, and then I forget about it completely. This weekend I decided to take part in this year, and it seemed like a fitting event to renew my blogging efforts on. This is an annual event of thousands of writers, potential writers, and wannabe writers trying to write a novel in one month. The goal is 50,000 words. You don't need to submit your month-end work as a final revision to a publisher or even have to hit the 50,000 words at all. The point is the effort and the experience, and I need both.

If anyone else is paricipating, I'd like to have some writing buddies. Check out my author profile if you're interested.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Why Flip-Flopping Politicians Are Great

The term "flip-flop" is a political black mark, but one that is probably said (truthfully) about every single politician, at some point in their career. Still, we act surprised and hurt when one of our representatives changes their mind. Do you know what we get when our politicians don't flip-flop? We get people in power like George Walker Bush, our current Commander in Stubborness.

As a nation (or as a world) we need to learn to embrace the flip-flop. This is the great ability human beings, including politicians, need to have. This is the ability to change your mind. Be it because the facts changed, the information you had at hand changed, or because political pressure demands it. Now, I emphasized that last part. Why? Because flip-flopping for political reasons is the best reason to do it! As our representative, these politicians are supposed to stand for what their constituents want them to support. Swaying for political pressure is a sign that the politician knows their place in the machine: our voice. They aren't supposed to have hard-wired positions they won't back down on.

Embrace the candidate who changes their mind for the most votes, because that is the voter-pleaser. Bush doesn't care about pleasing the voters, and that fact is his biggest mistake. The lack of being able to change his mind when the people do is what continues to distance him from even those who put him where he is today.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Neil Gaiman To Release Free Novel | How To Split An Atom

Neil Gaiman To Release Free Novel | How To Split An Atom

One of my favorite author's makes moves are new release models. I really hope more big names can make a difference in changing the publication business for the better.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Why I Need To Stock More Alcohol

Why can't we make such honest advertising in the US? It doesn't do us any good. Maybe all those women on their knees after a dozen shots had no idea what would happen, because the advertising just told them it would be an innocent, conversation filled party. Truth is powerful!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Why My Weekend Is Lonely and Happy

This weekend is long and lonely and happy.

My weekend started very early on Friday night, getting Caelan dressed and in the car to drive his mother to the airport in Greensboro, an hour and a half away. Amazing what and when you'll drive for $25 dollar tickets. Heather has never flown before, so I did my best to keep her feeling confident and walked her all the way to the security check. Everything was in order, I took the baby home and went to sleep for the first time that night, and woke up with panicked messages from Brandy, who didn't know why Heather never got off the plane in Ohio.

Needless to say, I was curious.

Granted, Heather could have noticed the flight was not correct, but she was incredibly nervous and even fearful of her first time on a plane, so I don't blame her for it. The airline, however, really shouldn't let people on planes who don't have a ticket to be on that plane. Cried all her make-up when she got to Boston, 700 miles from the intended Columbus, OH destination. I was frantic up until getting that call from her, when she finally touched down at the right airport, hours later than expected. Poor Heather. At least she got there, eventually, and could start enjoying her weekend.

So, I'm on baby duty and getting work done from home over a four-day weekend. I'm keeping myself busy around the house, and at the computer, and with the kid. Trying to keep myself occupied. I don't sleep along very often, usually when I stay up very late and actually get a chance to sleep in the next morning, which is exceedingly rare. Several days alone, in a row, is a different thing. I'm glad that Brandy and Heather have this time, and at least they don't have to sleep alone. Get your mind out of the gutter, guys. I get messages from one or the other of them from time to time, so at least it is nice to hear that they are having a good time, and that Heather loves the kids, and that hopefully the carnivores won't mind a good dish of Soy Chili.

Looking forward to Heather's return, but I'm really happy she is enjoying herself. I like the one-on-one time with Caelan, anyway.

On a side note, I'm planning to blog more on here, now. I have too many times I want to write about something that just doesn't fit for the tech blog, so I need a revival here.